Creighton University, November 21, 2024

In his TEDxOmaha talk, The Art and Science of Connections, David Joel Thomas takes us on an inspiring journey from the microscopic world of molecular biology to geological wonders of deep time. In his talk, he exposes the myth that, of the two disciplines – art and science – science alone is objective, rational, and rigorous and that art is essentially the opposite: not objective, but personal; not rational, but intuitive and expressive; not rigorous, but moody and delicate; not a rule-bound discipline, but an unbound “anything goes” and subjective free-for-all. Thomas shows, though, that art is as rigorous as science, that it has great explanatory power and world changing effect. Given this, he finds it perfectly reasonable for artists and scientists to put their heads together, to collaborate and make connections across their disciplinary divides. He argues that there is ample reason for hospitality in the context of professional difference.